The Spiritual Warrior
By Ryan Krupa
The warrior accepts the call and walks the long, arduous path of becoming Truth, Justice, and Wisdom.
The warrior questions all authority and all conventional wisdom that is spoken in the course of his life.
The warrior seeks to understand and explore all worldviews, all religions, all cultures, all histories and all legacies of truth to understand fully what he is, his nature and his essence.
The warrior knows what he must contribute; he leaves generations to come with strong, universal, and life-affirming foundations.
The warrior explores the interior and the exterior worlds, integrating and harmonizing both.
The warrior takes an eternal perspective.
The warrior loves as fully as possible; this loves comes from his soul; this love is light and truth united.
The warrior creates lasting communities of truth-seekers; the aim is Freedom.
The warrior knows suffering; his virtue is compassion.
The warrior knows love as both intimacy and rapture.
The warrior enters darkness with the soul’s light.
The warrior loves chaos; chaos initiates the transformation.
The warrior is a scholar of living; his being becomes an instrument of Spirit.
The warrior walks with loneliness; though he is never alone.
The warrior heals and expands the gentleness of his heart.
The warrior lives in the mystery; the warrior goes into the abyss of truth; the warrior lives in faith; the warrior is a testament of Spirit.
The warrior knows he is a creature; the Creator made his spirit and being.
The warrior seeks union of the soul with Spirit; the warrior knows only by crossing the purgative, illuminate, and unitive gates can he achieve this union; the warrior devotes his life to this aim.
Lastly, the warrior looks you in the eyes, sees your soul, and reminds you, all souls are called to become the living Light and Truth Itself; expressed here and now as Love, Goodness, and Beauty.
About Ryan:
RYAN MATTHEW KRUPA attended Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, on a Navy Reserve Officer Training (NROTC) Scholarship and received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Diplomacy and Foreign Affairs, with a minor in Naval Science. Upon graduation, he was commissioned a Second Lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps. He served as a Global Logistics Officer for three years, completing a two-year assignment in Japan. He received two Navy and Marine Corps Achievement medals for exemplary leadership. He was promoted to Captain before leaving active duty.
After the Marine Corps, he worked for KPMG Consulting and Deloitte Consulting. At KPMG Consulting he specialized in Program Management and Risk Management. At Deloitte Consulting he specialized in Human Capital Consulting.
He also spent two years at the Center for Creative Leadership, where he studied the leadership development industry, participated in numerous leadership development programs, and built strategic relationships with Google, Starbucks, and Microsoft.
After a decade of military and professional experience, he co-founded MOSAIC, a center for leadership and human development.
His calling, and what he’s most passionate about, is working with warriors by providing leadership trainings to U.S. Special Operations Units. His aim is to produce leaders with the ability to uplift consciousness, unleash potentials, and awaken souls. His mission is to serve as a guardian while leaders explore the stages of human development.
To prepare for this work, he earned a Master Degree in Global Leadership from the University of San Diego. He has completed wide range of trainings in leadership development, human development, and spiritual development, resulting in over 3,000 hours of training. He has become a Leadership, Yoga, Meditation, and Reiki Practitioner with extensive experience creating and delivering cutting edge development intensives. He’s lived abroad for over two years and has traveled to over 25 countries. His endurance events include summiting Mt. Rainier, a Marathon, and 6 mile swim.
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