When you look in the mirror what do you see? I see a Warrior. A peaceful one and a vicious one, if needed.
I also see a beautiful lady in mind and body. One who’s loving, imperfect, intense, resilient, proactive, funny, gentle, tall, half blonde, goofy, blue eyed, smart, sometimes even gullible, someone who sticks up for herself, can say NO, faith-filled, pale and freckled, competitive 175 pound badass of a woman who loves to train, be gentle with herself, heal people, sleep, and travel.
The fact that I struggled with bulimia at one point in my life, lost both parents and some friends, served in the Marines, had failed relationships, have suffered with negative body image, anxiety and mild depression at some points in my life does not make me ANY less of a human being, and those things do NOT define me.
Everyone comes with baggage and the more I interact with humanity, the more I realize most of us suffer similarly underneath, though on the surface it may look different. I have needed continual reminders in my life to help me keep perspective. One of my healers, Jim Cahill, always reminds me, “When you lose sight of who you are, you truly suffer. “ Suffering looks like anxiety, addiction, judgement of others, being always overly busy, and self-torment/doubt. It is hard for people to say they are a badass, or that they are a warrior when they lose sight of themselves.
The Truth is there is a Warrior in all of us. I have discovered some of my Warrior, and continue to discover more of it. I am building this movement around keeping perspective and building the fire within. I myself need daily reminders and hope to share, share, and share again with you information on perspective, resilience, and taking in the good. I believe that when we keep perspective, recognize our resilience, and absorb the good around us, losing track of who we are becomes less likely.
Being a top athlete, successful in business, or a even being a wounded warrior or military veteran does not make someone a Warrior. What makes a Warrior is remembering oneself underneath all the baggage and letting the fire burn within in HOW we treat ourselves and others.
HOW do you treat yourself and others around you? How do you be the best Human Being you can be?
Studies show that 75% of those who have been through trauma are able to express resilience and post traumatic growth. Whether they do or not is a different question. Those who grow after trauma do so because of their ability to ask for help, engage with people who build them up, and get involved in sharing their own story.
If you or someone you know can use some inspiration, then join this Warrior Movement! You are not alone!
Goals of the Warrior Movement:
Every human being has an inner warrior. I want everyone to unleash it. This movement is about unleashing the warrior spirit, re-defining ones strength, letting go of perfection, and paying forward the inspiration and positivity delivered weekly.
How you can be involved:
- Share, Pay it forward , any and every article, picture, or newsletter posted
- Sign up for our Warrior Newsletter
- Unleash your Warrior spirit in your daily life, starting with how you treat yourself!
Themes Covered in upcoming Articles and Blogs:
- Re-Defining Strength: “Strength is not physical, rather it comes from an indomitable will.” – Mahatma Gandhi
- Abandon the Perfect: With this movement we want to post what is real, unfiltered, and unposed.
- Movement as Medicine: Because I am a Physiotherapist and live in a world of analyzing and improving movement, we will be posting adaptive strength and mobility/stability articles that can help your own body heal and stay healthy for the long haul.
- Warrior Stories: Real stories of warriors all over the world, sharing unfiltered stories of resilience.
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