We find that there are so many fitness professionals who want to train adaptive athlete individuals but don’t know how to get started. There is a general lack of confidence in speaking with, programming for and coaching individuals with permanent impairments. As a result the population that needs the most help, gets the least. To bridge this gap, yours truly and Max Conserva, an adaptive athlete of Goodlegproject.org, have come together to create an introductory course for training this population. With thousands of hours working with adaptive athletes, we have distilled the practice down to the essential knowledge needed for any professional to get started.
Having mentored coaches of all types on working with adaptive athletes, we have designed this course to answer all the most common questions:
- How do I talk to the disabled population?
- How do I adapt my programing to the impaired population?
- What are the most common types of impairments?
- What are the most common types of medical equipment?
- How do I adapt movement X, to an athlete with condition Y?
To answers these questions we start with a high level discussion of function and drill down all the way to adapting specific movements. The course starts with a general introduction to functional movement as a concept. We then explore what differentiates normal vs. abnormal movement. With the general foundation of normal movement in hand we can now focus on the adaptive athlete population in particular. First by understanding how to talk with and coach an impaired athlete, then secondly how to think about programming for that athlete. Once these general techniques are understood, we can next take a deep dive into the four major impairment categories: Lower Limb, Upper Limb, Wheeled, Traumatic Brain Injury & other Invisible Wounds . We then spend the remainder of the course detailing how each of the major functional movements interact with each of these impairments.
This course will help any fitness professional make their offering more inclusive. It is designed for athletic trainers & personal trainers who want to open their practice to the impaired population. For rehab professionalswho want to move from the clinic to the training room. And for group fitness coaches who want to incorporate the impaired population into their class programming.
If you want to work with the impaired population, this is the course to get started.
Learning Objectives
- Understand basic functional human movement as it applies to major permanent physical impairments
- Gain confidence initiating the conversation and building a relationship with this population
- Learn the fundamental strategies to adapt movements for all major impairments
- Be aware of all the most common impairments and medical devices
- How to safely and effectively adapt common training movements for all of these major impairments
To Sign Up for the Course, Click Here: Adaptive Athlete Course
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