This podcast was a really special experience for me. It was the first time my husband Per Larson has joined me on a podcast. The focus of this podcast was on the transitioning veteran. This “transition” can be all over the place for service members because you no longer have your tribe. The tribe you spent years with, deployed with, went through many highs and lows with is now very different. The transition period can be filled with a lot of questioning yourself, sadness, happiness, and overall working to figure our what is next, then actually following through with your decision.
My husband Per before we were married was with me during the final phases of my transition. While I was prepping to go to graduate school, I met Per. We were in two completely different phases of our life, and our professional career, however our relationship was easy. I am incredibly thankful for him in my life. His patience, unconditional love, and ability to meet where I am at is one of the most amazing gifts that came out of my “transitioning” time from the Marine Corps.
When you listen to this podcast that my friend Keith Galloway and his wife Laura run, you will hear what my transition from being a Marine Corps officer to a civilian was really like. It was not easy by any means, however, it did get me where I am today. I have a beautiful family, a business that is growing, and people around me with a similar vision. While this did not happen over- night, and there were years of education that needed to happen, years of shedding unneeded relationships, years of trying, failing, trying again, I landed where I am today.
This story is about me becoming healthy, and about my life long journey of keeping myself healthy, my family, and those around me.
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