5 Ways to Fight the Dark Side

5 Ways to Fight the Dark Side

Dark sides in our lives can take the form as negative thoughts, self harm, lack of self care, the drive to be perfect, wanting to harm others, unfocused, out of control, mean, and/or selfishness. The light side takes the form of patience, love, taking in the good in situations, discipline, health, the acceptance and love for yourself, the ability to stick up for yourself, being calm, genuine, and compassionate.

Warrior of the Month: Steph Gaudreau

Warrior of the Month: Steph Gaudreau

Steph’s mission is to spread the word about how to make simple, tasty recipes to help people in their quests to just eat real food. She wrote the best-seller The Paleo Athlete: A Beginner’s Guide to Real Food for Performance in 2014, and her award-winning book, The Performance Paleo Cookbook: Recipes for Eating Better, Getting Stronger & Gaining the Competitive Edge