We, Not I
Warriors, mental and physical health is not done individually. Wellness requires a full team. Dealing with chronic pain requires a back pain exercise treatment plan that is more than just the physical, but mental too.
What is your first reaction when your body or mind experience trauma or injury?
Of course, you go to Google to find the answer.
Have you ever found an answer you liked? For me, I instantly get freaked out by the pictures or the harsh language as attempt to “self-diagnose” my symptoms.
Injury + Google Self Diagnosis= FREAKED THE “F” OUT!
It only took me a short, five years, but I have solved the curse of the Google self-diagnosis. The answer to fixing 96% of all musculoskeletal injuries, general anxiety, or depression is mindful movement. Only 4% of all injuries are traumatic and non-preventable (Dr. Kelly Starrett). Your injuries and anxiety have been lurking in the background for months. They did not appear overnight. Repetitive, poor movement patterns and lack of self-care creates increased injury risk and chronic stress.
If you had a weak link on your team, would you say something?
Would you transfer them to a different department and push the problem to someone else?
Or would you sit down with them, find out why they are not doing a good job?
In my business, I want to lead from the front and would create an action plan to help fix their behavior.
Back Pain Exercise Treatment Plan
Your body is the same way. When injured, do you want to rest and do nothing, put a band aid on it with pills and injections, or take action and find out why it happened? If you want the latter, keep reading.
It is not the pills, rest, ice, massage, e-stim, needles, adjustment, or endless talk therapy that is going to give you long term healing. It is identifying and fixing the faulty movements and thoughts. From there, taking physical action to fixing the cause of your mental or physical injury.
Read more to find out what the research says about movement, mindset, and YOUR low back by clicking here.
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