Theresa Larson was born and raised in a log cabin on the outskirts of Seattle, fostering a love of the outdoors and an active lifestyle. After losing her mother to cancer at the age of 10, Theresa developed a resilient perseverance and determination that led to a collegiate scholarship and semi-professional softball career, top awards as a fitness competition contestant, and an appointment to Lieutenant in the Marines, where she led an entire platoon while deployed in Iraq. Her service was cut short when she was voluntarily evacuated due to an ongoing struggle with bulimia nervosa.
Theresa’s journey to wellness required the bravery to ask for help, to take care of herself first, and abandon the idea of “perfect”. She is now a Doctor of Physical Therapy and the founder of Movement Rx, a physical therapy and wellness company that offers support to wounded warriors and individuals with health and movement issues. She travels all over the world as a speaker for MobilityWOD and the CrossFit Movement & Mobility Trainer Course. She is a lululemon ambassador, and works with nonprofits including Team Red White & Blue,, Resiliency Project, CrossRoads Adaptive Athlete Alliance, and the National Eating Disorder Association. Theresa hopes that through sharing her story, she will help inspire others to empower themselves, embrace their inner warrior and re-define and acknowledge their strength.
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