Warrior of the Month: Chappie Hunter

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A little about WHO you are!

• Chappie Hunter
– Husband and Father to 8y/o son
– Live in Alpine, CA
• 22 year veteran of the San Diego Police Department
– 14 years patrol w/ collateral duties as a Field Training Officer, SWAT Officer, SWAT Sniper
– 8 years detective working Human Trafficking, Sex Crimes and Narcotics
• Owner / Coach at Alpine Ranch CrossFit
– CFL1, CF Weightlifting, & CF Law Enforcement Certs
• Came back Full Duty to SDPD 1 year and 29 days post accident.

What is one trait you most admire about you (Your inner warrior)
• I am NOT afraid to fail! In fact, I strive for failure. If I strive to be the best husband, the best father , the best coach, and the best athlete I have to push myself to the limit. Occasionally I will fail at each. Instead of giving up and regressing I face that failure and find a way to be better.

What kind of special power would you like to have
• The power to heal. This may sound unmanly, but like the hair of Rapunzel I’d love to have the ability to heal people’s wounds with a single touch. I don’t want anyone to have to go through the physical and especially mental/emotional aspect of what I have endured. Do I think I am a better man now than I was before my accident? Yes! However, this doesn’t mean that I don’t wish to go back to that day I lost my leg and pick a different road home to save myself and my family the pain we endured.

Chappie Hunter

Alpine Ranch CrossFit

Challenged Athlete’s Foundation Operation Rebound

Peter Harsch Prosthetics

Clinch Gear


Read Chappie’s story here:

Inner Warrior Inner Warrior Inner Warrior

















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