1. Who is Michael Ferriter?
Mike Ferriter is a Christian and husband to his wife, Margie. He is the father to four great kids, Meghan, Dan, Paddy and Mary Whitney. He is the father-in-law to three great kids, Jessica, Lauren and Garrett. Mike is the son of Marie and Dick Ferriter and a brother to four siblings. His greatest role yet is grandfather to Parker, the best two-year-old on the planet.
But Mike is so much more than that; he is a friend for life, a Special Operations Army Ranger, a Veteran, a golfer, a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Black Belt, and a retired Army 3-Star General. He is a team builder, transformer, mentor and an inspired leader.
2. What is Inspired Leadership?
Inspired leadership is who we are. It is instilled in each and every one of us if we know what to look for. Inspired leadership encourages utilizing our honor, character, integrity selflessness, positive mental attitude, empathy and a never quit determination to take care of others and succeed in our life.
3. What is the WHY behind inspired leadership?
I developed a one-of-a-kind interactive leadership seminar designed to deliver the message that “life is like a fight and in a fight you must close the distance, establish a dominant position and finish the fight.” I use this idea and the physicality of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu to show our audience that each of us can take on any issue, challenge or opportunity, move to a position of advantage and then close the deal. I call this seminar Hands-On Inspired Leadership and it has helped transform many organizations and teams.
4. Who is your target audience for Inspired Leadership?
My target audience is actually quite wide, because this customizable training can be suited for any team, group or organization. It can be scaled for group sizes ranging from 10-200+ people.
This year, I have delivered Hands-On Inspired Leadership training to Wounded Warriors, Active Duty Soldiers, Families of the Fallen, High School students and business executives.
The training works well for any type of group and it is perfect for corporate off-sites and conferences.
5. What are you most proud of you in your life?
I am most proud of my family, faith, friends and my integrity.
6. Who inspires you the most?
I draw inspiration everyday from almost every person I see, meet and work with. My wife and kids also inspire me; each is selfless, brilliant and driven to achieve excellence.
7. If you could have one super power what would it be?
I don’t need a super power, per se, but a semi-super power would be to hit a golf ball straighter and longer (just kidding). I do think, however, that we can wield super power by delivering Hands-On Inspired Leadership 25-30 times a year, helping to transform many different teams.
8. What is your favorite quote?
I always tell people “Do Your Best! Do What’s Right! And Demonstrate Inspired Leadership!”
9. Where was your favorite duty station?
My favorite duty station is Fort Benning, Georgia. As the former Home of the Infantry (now home to the Infantry and Armor) it raised me to be the leader I am today. It is also the place where Margie and I spent a major portion of our time and raised our kids. We made lifelong friends, memories and gained values here and are always happy to hear “welcome home” when we drive through the gates. It really is the greatest installation on Earth!
10. What is your definition of a Warrior?
A Warrior is a person of character, with moral and physical courage who works relentlessly to improve self and help others. Warriors win humbly and build teams daily. Finally, a Warrior is a fighter who exudes confidence and never quits on the team, on his family and on his mission.
11. Best way to contact you, find out about you and inspired leadership, any hashtags, social media information?
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