#GetQuiet Challenge

This OCTOBER I challenge you to start a new and very healthy habit for your mind and soul: Get Quiet!  The challenge is to do it EVERYDAY!

The benefits are lower blood pressure, boosts immune system, creates a calmer mind which means a more clear mind, better digestion, improved confidence, increased discipline, less anxiety, improved concentration, and most of all gives you one on one time with yourself that allows you to learn more about WHO you are. You are a pretty cool human being.

We know you focus on your nutrition and your movement, but lets focus on your mind and soul.  Calm the mind, engage with your soul.

It takes roughly 21 days to create a solid habit so lets really hit a home run! Our challenge for you: 5 minutes a day for 30 days starting anytime in October!

There will be a reward for those who write about their compelling experience after the 30 days are up!

To get all of the details on how to participate and all the amazing prizes from our partners LALO tactical and lululemon, then sign up below!

Join the #GetQuiet Challenge Today!

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