YES there are many myths associated with writing a book. Let me explain…
1. Once you have the idea- the book is just written overnight
Soooo writing a book and publishing a book is like having a second job. It took 10 years and 5 months from having the idea to actually publishing the thing…
2. Being an author is perfect for an introvert- you just stay quiet and write a lot and don’t have to interact with everyone. When your book is done, people will just read it!
Yeah not really! You need to broadcast your story, like, A LOT! I get energy from being quiet, some of this process did not bring me energy, but a lot of it did. I did HAVE to find boundaries in how much “being on” I could handle.
The cherry on the top: I found out that this book writing process was so much more healing for me than I had ever anticipated.
3. ELLEN, OPRAH, The Today Show are TOTALLY what sell books!
Sure, being mentioned on Oprah’s Book Club would be great, but for the most part getting publicity does not transfer over into selling more books. What it does do is bring exposure to your message, which is very important.
4. You sit back and chill once the book is written; the publisher does it all!
The publisher did do a great deal, but it is still up to ME to market the book and the message, to build a grassroots brand that people can relate to. While I had support, I also had to hustle on my own and build knowledge in how to organically get my book out there in a way that was authentic to me. I had to ask for help from colleagues and friends who were influencers in the community who could share my story with their audience, friends, and loved ones.
5. Being an author is so glamorous; life just kind of unfolds after you are published.
To be honest my life has been getting better and better as this book has been a huge emotional clearing for me. I healed so much from writing this thing with Alan – I faced a lot of fears and let a lot of “stuff” go. However, life just didn’t unfold. It has been a long journey of ups and downs, learning what I need to stay healthy, and walking my talk.
The not so glamorous parts about writing Warrior:
I let go of a couple long lasting friendships that were not healthy for me any longer. I lost my Father, I cried myself to sleep many nights, I worked late and was up early so I could record and work on this book, I prayed a lot, and I spent a lot of time in contemplation working to figure out the best way to tell my story.
6. You will make a lot of MONEY if you write a book
Ha! The truth is it is very hard to make money as an author, especially the first time around. Most of the time spent working on it, takes time away from other things….you actually lose money. What it does do is spread the word about your message and brand. I hope to be able to continue to leverage this book so it can impact many!
7. Writing a book means I am kind of legit!
Nope, what makes me legit is who I am. What I do does not define who I am as a person anymore. This book IS a piece of my soul…shit did happen. I am the author of a book but I am still the same person and will stay humble for as long as I live. That is what makes me legit. That is what makes YOU legit!
If you haven’t ordered your copy of Warrior, you can do so here.