“How do I know the good side from the bad side” – Luke Skywalker
“You will know when you are CALM, at peace. Passive.” – Yoda
Obi Wan Kenobi describes the Force as what gives a Jedi his power. It’s an energy created by all living things and surrounds and penetrates us. Some have stronger forces than others. I am sure most of us choose light over dark- I would hope! Dark sides in our lives can take the form as negative thoughts, self harm, lack of self care, the drive to be perfect, wanting to harm others, unfocused, out of control, mean, and/or selfishness. The light side takes the form of patience, love, taking in the good in situations, discipline, health, the acceptance and love for yourself, the ability to stick up for yourself, being calm, genuine, and compassionate.
So to avoid more dark side behaviors that can suck us in and create tapes that are distorted, let’s nip the dark side in the butt early on, and start creating the light side of the Force behaviors.
Here is how:
1. Perform Self Care 10-15 minutes a day. Picking up a piece of your favorite mobility equipment and going after the knotted, stiff, sore tissue in your body is a good idea daily. 10-15 minutes a day 2-3 minutes each spot/technique can help change the physiology of your musculo-skeletal system. This will also help you eliminate pain in your body and allow you to be pro-active about your health. 96-98 % of all injuries out there are preventable. Also the dark side hates it when you’re healthy and pain-free.
2. Spend 5 minutes a day in stillness and quiet. This is where your body, mind, and soul can connect and find some balance. We all live busy lives, and the dark side feeds on a monkey-like mind that likes to be negative and self- defeating. Consistency is key in this arena, and one of the best times of the day is in the morning before your home wakes up or evening when everyone is in bed. Make it your time to fill your souls cup!
3. Move 45 min to 1 hour per day in your favorite activity– could be yoga, walking, hiking, running, weight training or anything else. Move it or lose it. The dark side likes a sedentary, non-moving human being who hates good posture and really loves sitting in a dumpy position. Enjoy exercise of your choice, sit and stand frequently during your day, and me sure to smile when you are training!
4. Say I love you to someone. Saying I love you is a positive, uplifting message and can be said to those who you have really really strong feelings for. This could be a really good friend or your significant other. It is a good practice to do this because just by you saying it gives positive energy to not only you but your friend or significant other. The light side Force is then spread around which is not what the dark side wants.
5. When you are in a sticky situation, are being challenged by emails, phone calls, to -do’s etc take the time to BREATH 3 long slow breaths (5 seconds in, 5 seconds out) filling up the belly AND RIB CAGE. This is a great way to check in and build energy because you broke the chain of frantic events and gave yourself a chance to ground in the moment so to speak. Using your breath as a tool to take a quick break. Vacation, time to center/ground in the moment is like a small dose of serotonin or dopamine that we all need during our day. The dark side likes stressed out, frantic, miles long of to-do’s.
Choose the LIGHT!
Photo credit: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Yoda
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